Case Study

Nordic Garden Buildings – Garden Buildings Supplier


Increase in
Social Media traffic


New social media users compared from 08/2018 - 06/2020 to previous date period


Facebook followers reached


Facebook page likes increased from garden lovers, professionals and beyond


Social website leads increased


Comparing June 2020 - August 2018 to same date period previously

Nordic Garden Buildings are a leading supplier of beautiful, freestanding UPVC and double-glazed garden buildings in the UK and across Europe. Nordic engaged the team for a full social media management contract for their Facebook & Instagram pages.



Create awareness and interest within the target audience to drive leads that convert to sales

Closely collaborate with stockists, web development personnel and CRM professionals for social content output

Set up of traffic and engagement campaigns implemented monthly, that push people to view product range on their site


Increased social media traffic by 178%

Reached 10,000 followers on Facebook and increased page likes by 3,581

149.67% increase in social users & 178.12% sessions increased when comparing Aug. 2018 – June 2020 to previous period

310.06% increase in conversions when comparing Aug. 2018 – June 2020 to previous period

Content output is a carefully crafted mix of products and installations, promotional, competitions, gardening tips, customer testimonials, home & garden inspiration, and funny relatable posts. In short, a social voice for the brand and all that it stands for.

It wasn’t long before their social channels began to attract attention from garden lovers, self-employed professionals and households wanting to create more space at home.

Hear from Justin Williams, Director:

“We made the decision to double our social media spend when lockdown started for our specialist consumer-facing division. Year-to-date, web traffic up 150%. Post lockdown still tracking 105% up. Crucially this has translated into sales; we could not be happier with the service and the results”.

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