Lead Generation and Digital Marketing Services for Law Firms

We consistently deliver qualified and high-quality law firm leads via multiple sources with our unique lead generation strategy for law firms and solicitors.

How do we do it?

Regarding the legal sector, most digital marketing agencies will only recommend two different strategies… SEO and Google Ads.

Whilst both are great strategies, they only really target potential customers who are actively looking for legal support.

What’s the problem with this?  This is also what all your competitors are doing, making these people overloaded with various websites, offers, and marketing messages.

There are multitudes more perfect clients that you can help who aren’t actively looking for legal services, but desperately need them.

But how do you these people if they’re not actively looking for you?  More importantly, how do you engage them and turn them into a client?

Watch the video and we’ll explain our superior strategy.

1. Social Media Questionnaire Advertising
We run a variety of Ads, split testing messaging, creatives and audience targeting, driving your target market to a bespoke designed landing page and questionnaire to qualify leads.
2. Google Ads
We launch several campaigns including Performance Max, and search Ads that drive your target customer to both your website, and questionnaire.
3. SEO
This strategy isn’t suitable for everyone, but for established law firms, we highly recommend an optimisation strategy to acquire high-intent search traffic.
4. Website improvements
Most law firm websites look the same, and say the exact same thing. We help you stand out from the sea of bland websites, so you can build confidence and trust with your target market.
5. Wider online presence.
Your target market will research you online before they do business with you. What they find will determine whether they do business with you and therefore needs managing.
1. Social Media Questionnaire Advertising
We run a variety of Ads, split testing messaging, creatives and audience targeting, driving your target market to a bespoke designed landing page and questionnaire to qualify leads.
2. Google Ads
We launch several campaigns including Performance Max, and search Ads that drive your target customer to both your website, and questionnaire.
3. SEO
This strategy isn’t suitable for everyone, but for established law firms, we highly recommend an optimisation strategy to acquire high-intent search traffic.
4. Website improvements
Most law firm websites look the same, and say the exact same thing. We help you stand out from the sea of bland websites, so you can build confidence and trust with your target market.
5. Wider online presence.
Your target market will research you online before they do business with you. What they find will determine whether they do business with you and therefore needs managing.

Why do law firms and solicitors trust Lilac James with their lead generation?

  1. Results-Driven Approach
    We identify what is important, generally, that’s leads, and sales that generate a positive ROI. We ensure our strategy aligns with delivering against that goal, we NEVER attempt to blind customers with vanity metrics.
  2. No long contracts.
    Advertising on Facebook and Instagram can take a few months to identify the right strategy that delivers incredible results, but with Lilac James, you can cancel our working relationship at any time. Unlike other agencies, we don’t tie you into lengthy contracts.
  3. Transparent Reporting
    Every Lilac James client receives access to our interactive reporting software that transparently holds all their digital marketing performance data, in one place. This can be accessed at any time, from a desktop or mobile device.
  4. Not capped by hours.
    We work the hours we need to bring you the results you deserve. Sometimes with digital marketing, there are unexpected complications, and things take longer than expected. With Lilac James, that’s on us, you won’t receive additional invoices.
  5. Work undertaken in Cambridgeshire
    All Lilac James’ work is undertaken from our head office in Cambridgeshire, meaning easy communication, with local experts. Unfortunately, many agencies secure contracts, and immediately outsource all the work overseas, causing many problems.
  6. Unlimited Campaign Creation
    We will create as many campaigns and Ads as is required to deliver quantifiable success, at no extra cost.

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Our proven work with Law Firms will provide you with the best quality leads for prospective new clients who have a legal case.

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